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Professional Year in ACCOUNTING

Bridge the gap between accounting studies and practice with the Professional Year program. Gain valuable industry experience and boost your employability in Australia


Bridging the Gap: The Accounting Professional Year Program in Australia

The Accounting Professional Year (PYP) Program, meticulously designed by CPA Australia, ICA (Institute of Chartered Accountants), and IPA (Institute of Public Accountants), empowers international accounting graduates to cultivate the skills and knowledge essential for success in the Australian accounting profession. This comprehensive program provides a structured pathway for graduates to bridge the gap between academic qualification and practical industry readiness.

Key Program Highlights

Key Program Highlights

Gain hands-on accounting skills, master industry standards, and build your network with the Professional Year program. Secure your accounting career in Australia.

Skill Development and Refinement

Skill Development and Refinement

The Accounting PYP emphasizes hands-on learning, equipping graduates with the practical skills and knowledge required to navigate the complexities of the Australian accounting landscape.

Industry-Specific Training

Industry-Specific Training

The program delves into the intricacies of Australian accounting practices, including financial reporting, taxation, auditing, and corporate governance.

Real-World Internship Experience

Real-World Internship Experience

The program culminates in a 12-week internship placement, where graduates apply their acquired knowledge and skills in a real-world accounting setting. This exposure fosters practical experience, problem-solving abilities, and professional networking opportunities.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Accounting PYP, applicants must possess:

  • An accounting qualification from an Australian university or an overseas institution recognized by CPA Australia, ICA, or IPA.

  • A valid student visa or eligibility for a graduate visa.

  • Proficient English language skills.

  • A strong academic record.

Eligibility Criteria

Program Structure and Duration

The Accounting PYP is a structured 44-week program designed to provide a comprehensive learning experience:

Classroom Training (32 weeks)

The initial phase focuses on imparting theoretical knowledge, covering essential accounting concepts, industry practices, and professional ethics.

Internship Placement (12 weeks)

The final phase provides hands-on experience through a 12-week internship placement in a relevant accounting firm or organization. Graduates apply their acquired knowledge and skills to real-world projects, gaining valuable industry exposure and networking opportunities.

Empowering Accounting Graduates for Success

The IT PY Program serves as a catalyst for the success of overseas ICT graduates aspiring to establish a thriving career in Australia. The program's emphasis on practical skill development, fundamental training, and internship placement equips graduates with the necessary tools to excel in the dynamic Australian IT industry.

With the added advantage of enhancing employability and career prospects, the Accounting PYP fosters a mutually beneficial relationship between graduates and the Australian accounting sector. Graduates gain valuable industry exposure and employment opportunities, while Australian businesses gain access to a skilled workforce, contributing to the nation's economic growth and financial stability.


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